7  Accompanying packaging

[German version]

With accompanying packaging, the lifting equipment – in this case only the loading tackle / ropes, chains – is attached directly to the packaged goods. The accompanying packaging does not bear any load. In its simplest form, accompanying packaging can be base constructions, but can extend to boxes and crates. By attaching the slinging equipment directly to the packaged goods, the packaging is not subject to loads which would otherwise be caused by handling, such as bending stress in the floor area and lateral pressure in the lid area. This means that the construction/dimensioning of such packaging is permitted to be weaker in some areas. Evidence of this must be provided by calculations.


Figure 97: Examples of accompanying packaging, schematic diagrams

The connection between the packaging and the packaged goods must be designed in such a way that it is able to bear the weight of the packaging itself. With respect to load securing, steps must be taken to ensure that the packaged goods are sufficiently secured against horizontal movement in or on the packaging. As illustrated in Figure 97, this can be achieved by intermediate layers of friction-enhancing materials combined with loop lashings for the round tank or by bolting the box body to the floor of the pallet.

Figure 98: Example of accompanying packaging

Figure 99: View of open accompanying packaging, the
belts are attached directly to the packaged goods

Figure 100: Slinging accompanying packaging

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