5  Summary, outlook and objectives
[German version]

5.5  Calculation methods

The objective cannot be to replace the conventional, relatively simple formulae which can be presented in tabular form for dimensioning sufficient securing effort with more complicated calculations, at least not for day to day use. The obvious conclusions must, however, be drawn. In so doing, all the advantages of the extended approach should be used. It must thus already be acknowledged that the tie-down lashing principle will benefit. Its reputation is enhanced and lashing requirements may be reduced to what is physically justifiable. It is as yet unclear which new formulae and associated constraints may be used to achieve this objective.

A similar situation may apply to direct securing, if certain physical laws are more effectively applied than in the past. However, the homogeneity of securing arrangements, i.e. uniform load-deformation behavior and limitation of cargo movement may also give rise to restrictions.

Similar approaches to calculation which are yet to be developed may also be applied to compaction, i.e. bundling and strapping, and enable economically attractive securing systems.

Ultimately, there must be simple, practical and legally reliable rules and guidelines, which may be applied while taking the fullest possible account of the underlying physical phenomena.

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